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作者 (Author) Spyri, Johanna
Summary: Heidi, an orphan, builds a strong bond with her grandfather in the Swiss Alps. When she is sent into town to attend school and be a friend to a wealthy man's invalid daughter, Heidi becomes homesick for her Grandfather and home in the mountains.
等级 (MML) MM Level-8.5
年级 (IL) Medium Grades (MG 4-8)
字数 (Words) 89242
类型 (Fiction) Fiction
系列 (Series) Puffin Classics;
Topic: Classics-Classics (All); Countries/Regions-Switzerland; Natural Environments-Mountains; Recommended Reading-California Recommended Lit., English, 3-5; What Kids Are Reading, 2014-75 Most Read Fiction, MM Book Levels 7.0-10.0;