1. C01_Plans hits: 652
  2. C02_Getting Ready hits: 75
  3. C03_Ship’s School hits: 48
  4. C04_The Lifeboat hits: 37
  5. C05_Food hits: 34
  6. C06_Surprises hits: 28
  7. C07_Clues hits: 27
  8. C08_Cooking and Swimming hits: 26
  9. C09_Bread hits: 26
  10. C10_Trapped hits: 25
  11. C11_Peter hits: 24
  12. C12_Eight in the Family hits: 24
  13. C13_Sea Star hits: 23
  14. C14_Home hits: 24
作者 (Author) Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Summary: The Aldens find a castaway on a South Sea Island.#6
等级 (MML) MM Level-2.8
年级 (IL) Lower Grades (LG K-3)
字数 (Words) 19131
类型 (Fiction) Fiction
系列 (Series) Boxcar Children;
Topic: Mysteries-Detective Stories; Natural Environments-Islands;