The Day It Rained Forever: A Story of the Johnstown Flood-这本书不错哟,强烈推荐!

The Day It Rained Forever: A Story of the Johnstown Flood

作者 (Author) Gross, Virginia T.
等级 (MML) MM LEVEL: 4.3
年级 (IL) Medium Grades (MG 4-8)
字数 (Words) 7611
类型 (Fiction) Fiction
书号 (ISBN) 9780780734098
系列 (Series) Once Upon America;
Christina Berwind and her family live in Johnstown. When the rains came, the dam that held Lake Conemaugh burst, unleashing a wall of water 125 feet high and rushing down the narrow valley at 50 miles an hour toward the town.


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