Who Was Robert Ripley?-这本书不错哟,强烈推荐!
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Who Was Robert Ripley? |
作者 (Author) | Anderson, Kirsten |
等级 (MML) | MM LEVEL: 5.1 |
年级 (IL) | Medium Grades (MG 4-8) |
字数 (Words) | 7195 |
类型 (Fiction) | Non-Fiction |
书号 (ISBN) | 9780448482989 |
系列 (Series) | Who Was...?/Who Is...?;Who Was (Is) ; |
Ripley spent his life traveling to more than 200 countries in search of strange objects and interesting facts. His penchant for the peculiar launched an entertainment empire, and his collection of artifacts can be seen worldwide at his Odditoriums. |
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