Max and Ruby's First Greek Myth: Pandora's Box/Max and Ruby in Pandora's Box-这本书不错哟,强烈推荐!

Max and Ruby's First Greek Myth: Pandora's Box/Max and Ruby in Pandora's Box

作者 (Author) Wells, Rosemary
等级 (MML) MM LEVEL: 2.2
年级 (IL) Lower Grades (LG K-3)
字数 (Words) 454
类型 (Fiction) Fiction
书号 (ISBN) 9780803715240
系列 (Series) Max and Ruby;
Ruby tries to stop her younger brother Max from sneaking into her room and snooping by reading him an altered version of "PANDORA'S BOX. "This book was originally published as "Max and Ruby's First Greek Myth: Pandora's Box".


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