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China Captures Women's Volleyball Gold, Coach Makes History


文章来源:  纽约时报 (The New York Times)

Head held high as she took the court moments after her Chinese team ented the arena, Jenny Lang Ping waved and smiled in several directions then paced around the floor observing China's championship opponent from Serbia.

  • Head held high: 昂首挺胸
  • Arena: 赛场、球场
  • Waved and smiled: 挥手、微笑
  • Championship: 冠军

She proudly sang through the national anthem, then guided her team to a come-from-behind gold — and made her own history, too.

  • Proudly sang through the national anthem: 骄傲地唱完国歌

Lang Ping became the first person to win volleyball gold as a coach and player, her China team rallying from one-set down to defeat the upstart Serbians 19-25, 25-17, 25-22, 25-23 on Saturday night in the Rio championship match.

  • Coach: 教练
  • Player: 球员
  • Rallying from one-set down: 一局落后逆转
  • Defeat: 击败

"It's not important to me to make history," Lang Ping said. "I'm so happy for the young girls, they trained very hard."

  • Make history: 创造历史
  • Trained very hard: 训练非常苦

Early on in this tournament, Lang Ping — who captured an Olympic title with the 1984 Chinese national team in Los Angeles then later spent a four-year stint coaching the Americans — challenged her players to find ways to grow from their struggles with the world watching.

  • Captured an Olympic title: 夺得奥运金牌
  • Grow from their struggles: 逆境中成长

All along, Lang Ping believed her emotional China players had the talent and determination to compete with the top programs in the world.
talent: 天赋

  • determination: 决心
  • compete: 竞争、比赛

And oh, did they show it. Once they found a groove.

  • They found a groove: 她们找到了感觉,打出了气势







小编:And while the Chinese fans have been in full force supporting their volleyball teams, they’ve also had a rooting interest in American women’s coach, Jenny Lang Ping, whoreceives arousing ovation wherever she goes in Beijing. Ping is one of the most famous volleyball players in China, maybe even in the world, and as Lester Holt tells us, she’s found a new job in a new country. 

  • Rooting interest: 浓厚的兴趣和喜爱

  • Arousing ovation: 正耳欲聋的欢呼、致意

记者:Olympic fame isn’t fleeting in China. Just ask Jenny Lang Ping. Twenty-four yearsafter helping lead China’s women volleyballers to gold in Los Angeles, she is still drawingadoring crowds. And though her heart and soul are still very much planted in China, hermind is focused on winning her next gold medal as coach of Team USA. Her first Olympic appearance as coach of the team brings her home to Beijing. 

  • Drawing adoring crowds: 吸引大批热爱她的人们

记者:Was it a difficult decision to decide to take the job as coach of team USA? 

郎平:It’s very difficult, but if everybody hated it, I wouldn’t take the job. 

记者: Jenny is such a celebrity in China, her wedding was televised nationally. Her face even appeared on a postage stamp, and no one is more tickled by all the hoopla she generates here than her players, who aren’t quite used to seeing this reaction. 

  • Celebrity: 明星、名人

美国女排队员:They respect her so much and they love her so much, that I think that they’re gonna come out in masses to watch her.

  • Respect: 尊敬

  • Come out in masses to watch her: 大家都会来看她


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